Otters being born from spores in my house. I panicked because everytime I went to look in my closet there were hundreds of tiny baby otters coming out of spores, with more spores about to hatch. I kept spraying them with something that got rid of them, but they kept coming back no matter what I did.
Dreams about otters being born from spores in your house and the feeling of panic indicate that you may be experiencing some anxieties or feelings of overwhelm in your waking life. Otters are often associated with playfulness, intuition, and adaptability. The spores in your dream could represent hidden fears or unresolved issues that are coming to the surface.
The fact that you are constantly trying to get rid of the otters but they keep coming back suggests that you may be facing persistent challenges or obstacles in your life that you are finding difficult to overcome. This dream could be a reflection of your feelings of powerlessness or frustration in dealing with certain situations.
It may be helpful to explore what the otters and the spores symbolize to you personally. Additionally, consider what the closet represents to you - it could be a symbol of your inner thoughts or emotions that are trying to manifest in your waking life.
Overall, this dream may be urging you to confront and address any underlying issues or anxieties that you may be avoiding. It could be helpful to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist to help you navigate through these challenging emotions.